Chicago Area Business Aviation Association

Chicago Area Business Aviation Association

Every organization uses JourneyCARE in their own unique way to drive progress toward goals and solve painful problems.

CABAA's priorities have been:


  • Outdated website
  • Cost of old membership software increased if they grew
  • Too many time-consuming manual processes
  • Most members were paying by check which created an administrative burden
  • Collecting information - like scholarship forms - was happening via disconnected forms


  • New website showcases the organization's professionalism
  • Members can easily join and renew online
  • Follow-up is possible with all prospective members, donors, sponsors, etc. without worrying about increased costs
  • Forms put information exactly where it's needed for taking action
  • Automations have reduced admin support costs
A computer monitor is displaying a website for icn 's member area.
A black and white icon of a graph with an arrow pointing up.

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