How to boost member growth

JourneyCARE® makes it easier to attract, engage, and retain your members

Weeks of work, done in minutes

Here are just a few of the things you can do with JourneyCARE...


Automatically Show Member-Attractive Content

JourneyCARE sites aren't just beautiful. They can also dynamically display different content to different types of site visitors. First time visitors can see one thing, while returning visitors see another. Visitors from Chicago can get a message about a local meet-up, while visitors from San Francisco don't. You'll also have private login areas, as well as a full-featured course builder to use for continuing education.


Automatically Know Who Is Interested

Want to reach students, young professionals, retirees, moms of twins? It's easy with JourneyCARE. Build a web page specific to the type of member. Offer a valuable resource. Collect emails in exchange for a download. Follow-up automatically. Instead of marketing your organization overall, promote that specific page. You've instantly gained an easy way for potential members to tell you that they're interested.


Automatically Track Opportunities

Still tracking members with a spreadsheet? With an unlimited database, built-in sales pipeline tracking, customizable contact forms, and a plethora of customizable automations, there's no reason to ever miss following up with a potential member again! You'll be able to know exactly who has joined and who hasn't, so that follow-up can happen - either automatically or by a team member/volunteer.


Automatically Engage Your Leaders in Growth Actions

Have a board member in certain town? Set up a JourneyCARE notification to send them an email when there's a new member who joins from that town. Got a member who is interested in helping with Communications? Automatically drop a notification to the committee chair. JourneyCARE's automation builder is super flexible, giving you lots of opportunities to engage others in your work without requiring them to be techy or have access to your software.


Automatically Follow-Up on Incoming Emails and Texts

Do you ever wonder if someone has followed up on a Contact Form submission? Or if an email has gotten lost in a board member's spam filter? With JourneyCARE, all messages out-and-in are captured for full transparency and more consistent follow-up.


Automatically Follow-Up on Social Messages

Bring all of your outreach into one easy-to-access place. JourneyCARE's social integration lets you respond to messages, plan posts, and take full advantage of the power of social media to reach your ideal members. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and GoogleMy Business are connected now with more to come.


Automatically Make It Easy to Join

Whether you have one membership level or many, no application or a multi-step approval process, JourneyCARE flexes to handle what you require, making it easier for members to join and for you to manage the process.


Automatically Make It Easy to Pay

People are more likely to join when they can pay with the method they prefer. With JourneyCARE, you can connect with 100+ payment processors and your members never have to be limited to only one option.


Automatically Onboard Awesomely

With JourneyCARE's automation builder, you can create a fully customized onboarding process that is built around a new member's specific interests. This not only creates a 'wow' experience; it also connects a member to value more quickly.


Automatically Reconnect Fading Members

Did you know that JourneyCARE's automation builder can also identify your most engaged members and those who are at risk of fading away? It can, based on the criteria you specify! You'll be able to easily track scores and automatically take action.


Automatically Personalize the Journey

Collect interests and gather feedback. Use custom fields, tags, and smart lists to keep everything organized and easily use these details to customize your communications.


Automatically Warm Up Renewals

With some membership software, the first communication about renewal is a request to pay. With JourneyCARE, you can create pre-renewal sequences that start with reminders of the value that's been delivered, rather than hitting people cold with an invoice.


Automatically Encourage Referrals

Referrals don't have to be limited to an annual member drive. Instead, you can use JourneyCARE's automation builder to create referral systems that run automatically all the time.


Automatically Collect and Share Successes

JourneyCARE makes it easy to collect member testimonials. You can set up an automation that kicks in at a certain point in their member journey, or after they take a specific action.


Automatically Offer Education On-Demand

If your organization isn't yet able to make the education sessions you offer available to members on-demand 24/7, you'll love JourneyCARE's built-in course builder.


Automatically Reward Loyalty

Using the same sort of automations that track engagement, you can also built automations that reward loyalty to create completely customized incentive systems.

Client Case Study:
National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts

The National Association of Miniature Enthusiasts (NAME) is a membership organization with a rich history spanning over 50 years. With more than 3800 active members involved in about 200 clubs around the country, NAME is an active organization serving an audience of passionate collectors and dealers.

The Challenge

NAME had been relying on a custom-made database that was created in the late 1990s. The organization was worried about the reliability of the aging system and wanted to explore modernizing both their technology and administrative processes.

While the organization recorded details in the database, members completed most business in paper processes and details were manually entered by the organization's office manager.

Some NAME leaders expressed nervousness about transitioning into online options, as there was a concern that members who had always been able to conduct business by mail and paper check wouldn't make the shift and a loss in membership would result.

The JourneyCARE Solution

  • A Gradual Shift to Encourage Member Adoption
    While most organizations migrate to JourneyCARE completely in one fell swoop, we've taken a more gradual approach for NAME, first focusing on replacing the database, then adding in a few internal automations. This paved the way into being able to use the platform in member-facing ways.

  • Saving Weeks of Administrative Work
    With every new initiative, we think creatively about how JourneyCARE can make the job easier for NAME's administrator and also make the process smoother for members. This has resulted in some truly memorable moments - such as hundreds of Conference activity registrations being completed within 5 minutes of the online opening - a process that used to be conducted with mailed in forms requiring weeks of processing.

  • More than $200,000 in online payments in the first 4 months
    Concerns about whether members would be willing to pay online quickly fell away once we launched. Conference activities sold out within minutes, membership payments are being submitted as planned, and the need to process manual checks or make trips to the bank with deposits has been almost completely eliminated.

  • No more mailing paper membership cards
    Out of all the positive changes that have happened for NAME since JourneyCARE adoption, perhaps none was as exciting to the Office Manager as the elimination of paper membership cards. Each member automatically receives a customized card via email immediately upon joining or renewing. With more than 2800 members renewing every year, this alone has saved hours of administrative work.

  • Elections conducted online for the first time
    Another paper process that has been completely eliminated is mailing paper ballots for officer election. Members were able to easily cast their votes online and no manual counting was required.

Growth doesn't need to feel difficult!

Explore how JourneyCARE® helps you save time and serve people flawlessly.

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PO Box 9158, Peoria, IL 61612 | (800) 509-5805 |