How to boost volunteer growth

JourneyCARE® helps you attract, engage, and retain more volunteers.

Managing 700+ volunteers in 70+ topic groups

Here are just a few of the things YOU can do with JourneyCARE...


Automatically Show Volunteer Attractive Content

JourneyCARE sites aren't just beautiful. They can also dynamically display content that's relevant to specific volunteer projects, seasonality, and more. Instantly swap out images to showcase your latest volunteer program by only changing a tag. You'll also have private login areas for your volunteers, as well as a full-featured course builder to use for mission education. Your current and potential volunteers will notice that volunteerism matters to you.


Automatically Engage Your Leaders in Growth Actions

Have a board member in certain town? Set up a JourneyCARE notification to send them an email when there's a potential new volunteer in that town. Got a volunteer who is interested in supporting a specific program? Automatically drop a notification to the committee chair. JourneyCARE's automation builder is super flexible, giving you lots of opportunities to engage others in your work without requiring them to be techy or have access to your software.


Automatically Follow-Up on Incoming Emails and Texts

Do you ever wonder if someone has followed up on a Contact Form submission? Or if an email has gotten lost in a board member's spam filter? With JourneyCARE, all messages out-and-in are captured for full transparency and more consistent follow-up.


Automatically Follow-Up on Social Messages

Do you talk about volunteer opportunities on your social channels? Bring all of your outreach into one easy-to-access place. JourneyCARE's social integration lets you respond to messages, plan posts, and take full advantage of the power of social media to reach your ideal members. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and GoogleMy Business are connected now with more to come.


Automatically Make Sign Up Easy

Whether you have one volunteer opportunity or many, no application or a multi-step approval process, JourneyCARE flexes to handle what you require, making it easier for volunteers to sign up and for you to manage the process.


Automatically Welcome Warmly

With JourneyCARE's automation builder, you can create a fully customized volunteer onboarding process that is built around their specific programmatic interests. This not only creates a 'wow' experience; it also connects a volunteer into your work more quickly.


Automatically Reconnect Fading Volunteers

Did you know that JourneyCARE's automation builder can also identify your most engaged volunteers and those who are at risk of fading away? It can, based on the criteria you specify! You'll be able to easily track scores and automatically take action.


Automatically Personalize the Volunteer Journey

Collect interests and gather feedback. Use custom fields, tags, and smart lists to keep everything organized and easily use these details to customize your communications.


Automatically Offer Mission Education

JourneyCARE's built-in course builder would allow you to create a wonderful orientation program for new donors. Include videos, annual reports, and other items that you think will be of interest. It's all possible!

Client Case Study:
Illinois Association of Medicaid Health Plans (IAMHP)

IAMHP is a member organization for Medicaid managed care health plans in the state of Illinois. IAMHP works with state government, legislators, advocacy groups and Medicaid patients to invest in and provide high-quality health care focused on cost-effective, individualized care that helps the residents of Illinois live longer and healthier lives.

The Challenge

A key part of IAMHP’s work is the coordination of working groups and committees relative to the issues that are of importance to their members

But just imagine trying to do this at massive volume… managing the participation of more than 700 individuals, from different companies, across more than 70 different topic-focused groups. From keeping track of employee turnover which creates designee changes, to managing dozens of meeting dates every month, to disseminating location and web conferencing details, to ensuring committee members are working from the most current version of work products… there is no shortage of administrative headaches possible in the process.

The JourneyCARE Solution

  • All Information in One Place
    The project began by helping IAMHP transfer over all of the lists, designee assignments, and associated companies to the JourneyCARE database where we could see the complete scope of the known details.

  • Secure Spaces forWorking Groups
    Next, using JourneyCARE's “Courses & Communities” feature, we set up a secure online space to post agendas, handouts, meeting recordings, etc. This immediately reduced the number of inquiries coming into IAMHP’s administrator from people looking for the “latest” document or meeting link.

  • Automations for Hassle-Free Access Control
    Managing group participation is now as simple as adding or removing a tag on someone’s contact record. All of the access-setting and communication that needs to happen about group process occurs automatically.

  • Real-Time Lists - Sharable by Link
    Because companies tend to lose track of who they’ve designated to participate across 70+ topic areas, we created custom reports that were instantly accessible via a link that could be provided to each company's lead. The report shows exactly who is participating from their company for each group. This allows the company to check on their representation without any work being required from the IAMHP administrator.

Growth doesn't need to feel difficult!

Explore how JourneyCARE® helps you save time and serve people flawlessly.

© 2021-2024 A 25 Hour Day, LLC (dba The Joy of Membership). All Rights Reserved

PO Box 9158, Peoria, IL 61612 | (800) 509-5805 |