How to boost sponsor growth

JourneyCARE® helps you attract, engage, and retain more sponsors.

Jumping from a Handful of Sponsors to 83

Here are just a few of the things YOU can do with JourneyCARE...


Automatically Show Sponsor-Attractive Content

Sponsors want to know that their business is going to get noticed. They'll make that judgment based on one quick visit to your website. JourneyCARE lets you go beyond a logo on a page. Instead, the platform can automatically create a beautiful sponsor-specific website page for each sponsor based on information they submit without you needing to do anything.


Automatically Track Sponsor Opportunities

With an unlimited database, built-in sales pipeline tracking, customizable contact forms, and a plethora of customizable automations, there's no reason to ever miss following up with a potential sponsor again! You'll be able to know exactly who has signed on and who hasn't, so that follow-up can happen - either automatically or by a team member/volunteer.


Automatically Involve Leaders in Recruitment Activity

Have a board member in certain town? Set up a JourneyCARE notification to send them an email when there's a potential new partner that town. Got a sponsor who is interested in supporting a specific program? Automatically drop a notification to the committee chair. JourneyCARE's automation builder is super flexible, giving you lots of opportunities to engage others in your work without requiring them to be techy or have access to your software.


Automatically Follow-Up on Incoming Emails and Texts

Do you ever wonder if someone has followed up on a Sponsor inquiry or application? Or if an email has gotten lost in a board member's spam filter? With JourneyCARE, all messages out-and-in are captured for full transparency and more consistent follow-up.


Automatically Follow-Up on Social Messages

Do you talk about giving opportunities on your social channels? Bring all of your sponsor outreach into one easy-to-access place. Bring all of your outreach into one easy-to-access place. JourneyCARE's social integration lets you respond to messages, plan posts, and take full advantage of the power of social media to reach your ideal members. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and GoogleMy Business are connected now with more to come.


Automatically Make It Easy to Sign Up

Whether you have one sponsor level or many, no application or a multi-step approval process, JourneyCARE flexes to handle what you require, making it easier for sponsors to sign up and for you to manage the process.


Automatically Make It Easy to Pay

Sponsors are more likely to sign up when they can pay with the method they prefer. With JourneyCARE, you can connect with 100+ payment processors and your members never have to be limited to only one option.


Automatically Welcome Warmly

With JourneyCARE's automation builder, you can create a fully customized sponsor onboarding process that is built around their specific programmatic interests. This not only creates a 'wow' experience; it also connects a member to value more quickly.


Automatically Connect Members and Sponsors

If you're collecting member interests and sponsor interests in the JourneyCARE database, you can easily creating matching automations and segmented smart lists to encourage win-win relationships.


Automatically Reconnect Fading Sponsors

Did you know that JourneyCARE's automation builder can also identify your most engaged sponsors and those who are at risk of fading away? It can, based on the criteria you specify! You'll be able to easily track scores and automatically take action.


Automatically Personalize the Sponsor Journey

Collect interests and gather feedback. Use custom fields, tags, and smart lists to keep everything organized and easily use these details to customize your communications.


Automatically Warm Up Renewals

With some software, the first communication about sponsor renewal is an invoice and request to pay. With JourneyCARE, you can create pre-renewal sequences that start with reminders of the value that's been delivered, rather than hitting sponsors cold with an invoice.


Automatically Encourage Referrals

Let members help you identify perfect partners! Or ask them to submit some details about problems they are trying to solve. You can use JourneyCARE's automation builder to run these referral systems hassle-free!


Automatically Offer Mission Education

JourneyCARE's built-in course builder would allow you to create a wonderful orientation program for new donors. Include videos, annual reports, and other items that you think will be of interest. It's all possible!

Client Case Study:
International Christian Network (ICN)

ICN is a Christ-centric membership organization dedicated to serving the global Christian community. As part of that mission, ICN has been building a sponsor network comprised of faith-supportive businesses and organizations that can offer products and services that will be of value to members.

The Challenge

Before migrating to JourneyCARE, ICN was using a platform that offered very little in terms of being able to showcase sponsors in a compelling way. Each sponsor received typical directory listing with some fields sharing what they do and how to get in touch.

ICN envisioned having something more compelling with an emphasis on content and truly engaging sponsors in being part of the website. They felt strongly that this would provide something of more compelling value to sponsors. Ultimately, their decision was right as they jumped from having just a handful of sponsors pre-JourneyCARE to being at 83 at the time of this posting.

The JourneyCARE Solution

  • Complete Overhaul of the Member Area
    From the ground up, ICN's membership area was re-imagined to be more visually interesting and to provide opportunities for sponsors to contribute.

  • Automated Showcasing for Sponsor Content
    For sponsors that have blogs or podcasts, ICN is automatically pulling in the latest content from those sources and making that available inside the Member Area. This provides the sponsor with an easy way to get their work in front of ICN's audience, while also providing value to the members in a way that doesn't feel intrusive or salesy.

  • Automating Sponsor Applications & Approvals
    It's hard to grow a sponsor network if too much manual work is required every time a sponsor onboards. That's why we focused on making the application process easy. Once approved, ICN's administrator simply tags the company lead and automation does all the rest.

  • Increased Sponsor Satisfaction
    One of the typical frustrations for sponsors is that they don't see much return on their investment. With the way that we have fully integrated sponsor content into the ICN member area, we are maximizing visibility and boosting the likelihood of a positive connection

Growth doesn't need to feel difficult!

Explore how JourneyCARE® helps you save time and serve people flawlessly.

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PO Box 9158, Peoria, IL 61612 | (800) 509-5805 |